Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So! I figured I would take some time to talk about registering for classes. I have to sign up March 28th at 8am (I'm a sophmore). So, at Eastern Michigan you have a ton of Gen Ed classes you have to take before you graduate. I only have 5 of those classes left before I need to enter into a program. I went and talked with my advisor yesterday and this is what she told me: start taking classes that you have to take for your major. Here's my prediciment:  I need to fill enough classes for two more semesters. I apply for the DCP in January of 2012, and, if I get accepted, I will move down there in May. That leaves me from August of 2012-April of 2012 that I need to be taking classes. The classes I still have to take for my gen ed requirements are:
-Speech (I'm either taking this online or writing the essay to get out of it)
-Math (I'm not sure about this yet. I'm in 97 right now, so I need to see what I have to take next)
-1 global awareness (most likely intro to gender and sexuality)
-1 art
-1 humanities
Now, here's where it gets confusing: I'm not sure exactly what I want to do, but I have it narrowed down to two different options; Music Education or Elementary Math. If I do Music Ed then I only have three classes I can take before I have to start studio (the music program). If I do the Elementary Math program, I have approx. 8 classes I can take, and two of those count as my gen ed classes. So now I'm stuck...I need to sit down tonight and figure out how many credits I will have if I go the music route vs the elementary math route. The other thing is that once I move to do the DCP, I'm probably going to stay down there. I want to try and save as much money as possible while on the program and then transfer to either Florida State or the University of Central Florida...because I will have been living in Florida for a year, and I'll get in-state tuition, and I'll be filing as an independent student, so I should get more financial aid then right now because I still file under my parents since I don't have a job. I don't know...

Music Classes:
Musc 101-Music Theory 1
Musc 119-Aural Skills 1
Musc 252-Piano 2 (I'm in piano 1 right now)

Elementary Math Classes:
Arte 220-Visual Arts for Elementary Teachers
Chl 207-Intro to Children's Lit
Geog 110-World Regions
Hist 313-Michigan History
Math 108-Math for Elementary Teachers
Engl 307-Writing for Elementary Teachers
Edps 322-Human Development
Phed 257-Physical Education for Elementary Teachers

Monday, March 19, 2012

Disney time!

I've been trying to figure out what I want to do during my DCP, and I have it narrowed down to these:
1. Vacation Planning: This is my dream! I know basically everything there is to know about Disney World, and I am always helping plan my friends and family's vacations. Being a VP at Disney has it's perks: Air Conditioning, Sitting all day, and being able to trade points for cool stuff like movie tickets and gift cards! This is also, from what i've heard, the hardest role to get.

2. Costuming: This is another field I am extremely interested in! I love costuming, and I would definitely be in fashion design if I had any ounce of drawing ability in my body! I would love to be able to give all the cast members their costumes! For me, I would pray that I would get the location that the characters are at!

3. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Host: I love doing makeup and hair and I love helping little girls pick out their dress-up clothes, so this, for me, seems like another great fit for me!

4.Concierge: I feel like, for me, I really love helping people with any questions they may have, and so this seems like another good fit for me!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

So I'm feeling kind of sad tonight...I can't stop noticing how amazing my friends are but that they have someone to cuddle with at night. I've never not been in a relationship for this long, and I hate it. I hate falling asleep knowing that when I wake up no one is going to be there next to me. So, I looked up some quotes about how I've been feeling...


College is amazing! I love my friends, my roommate and I are best friends, and I have everything I could ask for...except that one person to share my life with. I know it sounds sappy, but all I want is to have someone by my side! I don't wanna get married right now; I just want to be in love again. It's been a year and a half since I've had an actual relationship, and I'm ready to be in a relationship again. I just need to find that one person...Anyways...here are some pictures that I took with my roommate a few weeks ago!