Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So! I figured I would take some time to talk about registering for classes. I have to sign up March 28th at 8am (I'm a sophmore). So, at Eastern Michigan you have a ton of Gen Ed classes you have to take before you graduate. I only have 5 of those classes left before I need to enter into a program. I went and talked with my advisor yesterday and this is what she told me: start taking classes that you have to take for your major. Here's my prediciment:  I need to fill enough classes for two more semesters. I apply for the DCP in January of 2012, and, if I get accepted, I will move down there in May. That leaves me from August of 2012-April of 2012 that I need to be taking classes. The classes I still have to take for my gen ed requirements are:
-Speech (I'm either taking this online or writing the essay to get out of it)
-Math (I'm not sure about this yet. I'm in 97 right now, so I need to see what I have to take next)
-1 global awareness (most likely intro to gender and sexuality)
-1 art
-1 humanities
Now, here's where it gets confusing: I'm not sure exactly what I want to do, but I have it narrowed down to two different options; Music Education or Elementary Math. If I do Music Ed then I only have three classes I can take before I have to start studio (the music program). If I do the Elementary Math program, I have approx. 8 classes I can take, and two of those count as my gen ed classes. So now I'm stuck...I need to sit down tonight and figure out how many credits I will have if I go the music route vs the elementary math route. The other thing is that once I move to do the DCP, I'm probably going to stay down there. I want to try and save as much money as possible while on the program and then transfer to either Florida State or the University of Central Florida...because I will have been living in Florida for a year, and I'll get in-state tuition, and I'll be filing as an independent student, so I should get more financial aid then right now because I still file under my parents since I don't have a job. I don't know...

Music Classes:
Musc 101-Music Theory 1
Musc 119-Aural Skills 1
Musc 252-Piano 2 (I'm in piano 1 right now)

Elementary Math Classes:
Arte 220-Visual Arts for Elementary Teachers
Chl 207-Intro to Children's Lit
Geog 110-World Regions
Hist 313-Michigan History
Math 108-Math for Elementary Teachers
Engl 307-Writing for Elementary Teachers
Edps 322-Human Development
Phed 257-Physical Education for Elementary Teachers

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